Tuesday 23 September 2008

So this is my attempt at blogging. I fear that although I love to write, for the past few years there has been a hindrance in my spirit, some sort of wall or "writer's block" as many would call it, that prevents me from lavishly arraying my thoughts on this virtual canvas. As I write I notice now, not that my thoughts are able to freely fall through my mind, down my soul, and out of my fingertips, but rather I have begun to notice, my comma's, capitals, colons, and even the shape of this font. I do not want to lose my thoughts, I do not want to have them trapped in my mind where they wreak havoc on my spirit... so I will write. Whether I understand it or not. Whether you understand it or not as well. I might post some stories, I might post some thoughts that may include heartache, joy, and the mundane that has always been transposed with light and shimmer for me. I might just write about my day to day. But in all of it, there is something that speaks to me when I display what cannot be seen with the eye, or be heard with the voice, and can only be seen within the written. So follow me, if you will, down a road that belongs to those of Anne Frank, or the other historians of our time that left us with the written word, where we all have now met, in this world of blogging.